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Resolved URL de RTMP

  1. Guest
  2. Chaturbate
  3. 01:31 am
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Estas URL pueden ingresarse directamente en un codificador externo para transmitir a un pop específico, sin embargo, solo recomendamos hacerlo si la URL global predeterminada no funciona adecuadamente. Si un Pop está inactivo por mantenimiento, la solicitud se enrutará automáticamente al siguiente más cercano.

Ingesta primaria

Más de 150 PoP en todo el mundo
URL de RTMP: rtmp: //http://live.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-origin

Ingesta de respaldo

Más de 15 PoP en todo el mundo
URL de RTMP: rtmp: //http://live-backup.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-origin


Oeste de EE. UU .: Seattle, WA
URL de RTMP: rtmp: //http://live-sea.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-origin

Oeste de EE. UU .: Phoenix, AZ
URL de RTMP: rtmp: //http://live-phx.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-origin

Centro de EE. UU .: Salt Lake City, UT
URL de RTMP: rtmp: //http://live-slc.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-origin

Centro de EE. UU .: Chicago, IL
URL de RTMP: rtmp: //http://live-chi.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-origin

Este de EE. UU .: Atlanta, GA
URL de RTMP: rtmp: //http://live-atl.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-origin

Este de EE. UU .: Ashburn, VA
URL de RTMP: rtmp: //http://live-ash.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-origin


UE: Amsterdam, NL
URL de RTMP: rtmp: //http://live-nld.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-origin

UE: Alblasserdam, NL
URL de RTMP: rtmp: //http://live-alb.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-origin

UE: Frankfurt, DE
URL de RTMP: rtmp: //http://live-fra.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-origin

UE: Madrid, España
URL de RTMP: rtmp: //http://live-mad.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-origin

UE: Milán, Italia
URL de RTMP: rtmp: //http://live-mxp.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-origin

UE: Varsovia, Polonia
URL de RTMP: rtmp: //http://live-waw.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-origin

UE: Belgrado, Serbia
URL de RTMP: rtmp: //http://live-srb.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-origin

Asia / Pacífico

Asia: Singapur
URL de RTMP: rtmp: //http://live-sin.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-origin

Asia: Tokio, Japón
URL de RTMP: rtmp: //http://live-nrt.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-origin

Australia: Sydney
URL de RTMP: rtmp: //http://live-syd.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-origin


Sudamérica: Bogotá, Colombia
URL de RTMP: rtmp: //http://live-bog.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-origin

Sudamérica: São Paulo, Brasil
URL de RTMP: rtmp: //http://live-gru.stream.highwebmedia.com/live-origin

Futuros POP

Este de EE. UU .: Miami, FL
Llegando Q3 2019

UE: Sofía, Bulgaria
Llegando Q1 2020
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